Four Card Trick EP - Can't say it is 'cause it ain't
Who was the dealer...
...and what game was this?
Georges dropped his dark glasses a touch...
...and peered over them. Allowing his eyes to adjust briefly he simply stared and thought 'Gee what a site!'
Bathed in silvery light...
...Georges let forth a delirious howl. This was his time now...
In mid flight...
...Georges realised he was not alone...
Looking up at the moon...
...Georges heard the whir of wheels spin up behind him. Time to be on…
Ringing in the changes...
Late night bells...
Kaplans in training...
Georges was soon at the city limits...
....and he headed west into the slowly setting sun
That's funny...
...that plane's dustin' crops where there ain't no crops.
The time had come...
...He'd been running down this blind alley too long. A swift glance and Georges was over the fence and off into the night.
Georges smiled to himself... the car slid out of traffic, the empty highway now lying open before him. "I love it when a plan's in motion"
Georges stared at the sky...
...thinking only one man is brave enough to bring this tempest to heel. Softly he breathed 'Happy Birthday Thunderfoot'
The naked bulb kept swinging...
...long after the door slammed. Georges ruminated beneath its flicker, eyes fixed on what was glinting before him
The giant spinning hamster wheels of the truck...
...which had dogged him since early dawn gave Georges pause for thought: Am I a cat or a mouse?
Georges picked up the browning magazine...
...that lay at his feet, thumbing the already well worn pages he read 'new year, new you'. He smiled...